2016 Regional Safety-at-Sea Seminars
Sound Boating Symposium, February 6, Mystic
Landfall, a marine safety equipment supplier in Stamford, CT, and Mystic Seaport in Mystic CT have partnered to present the Sound Boating Symposium, a redesigned, “propulsion agnostic” boating forum. The event will be held on Saturday, February 6 at the River Room at Latitude 41º Restaurant & Tavern, located at Mystic Seaport, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
This one-day symposium focuses on the skills and tactics relevant to recreational sailors and powerboaters who cruise the coastal waters from Long Island Sound to Cape Cod and the Gulf of Maine. Topics this year will include: Marine Communications, Diesel Engine Repair & Maintenance, Coastal Marine Weather, Emergency Preparedness, Marine Medical, and Accident Prevention.
Attendees will earn US Sailing or US Powerboating Near Coastal Safety at Sea Certification upon completion. For more information, visit http://www.landfallnavigation.com/sasmystic.html
Cruising Club of America/Bermuda Race Safety Seminar is March 19 & 20 in Newport
Registration is open for the Cruising Club of America’s biennial US Sailing-sanctioned Safety at Sea Seminar, which will be held March 19 & 20 at the Marriott Hotel in Newport, RI. Addressing the needs of participants in the 2016 Newport Bermuda Race, the event also offers considerable information for cruisers, racing crews and skippers, and delivery crews.
Topics include lessons learned from recent incidents; changes in offshore regulations, Bermuda Race safety regulations, and new safety equipment; marine weather and sea state; offshore communications; seasickness, dehydration & hypothermia and their effects on seamanship; MOB prevention & recovery, rescue at sea and the ethics of giving assistance; crew preparation & training; essentials of damage control & abandoning ship; and personal safety equipment & life rafts.
Successful completion qualifies for an Offshore ISAF SAS certification.
To register, visit https://sas.cruisingclub.org.
Hands-On Safety at Sea Seminar is April 16 in Throggs Neck
The Storm Trysail Foundation, in cooperation with the Storm Trysail Club, will hold its fourth annual Hands-On Safety at Sea Seminar at SUNY Maritime College at Fort Schuyler in Throggs Neck (Bronx), NY on Saturday, April 16.
The Hands-On sessions will include fire fighting, pyrotechnics, survival swimming and life raft deployment, damage control, and actual Man Overboard drills on ocean racing yachts. “Firing flares, shooting fire extinguishers, jumping in a pool in full foul weather gear, and steering a 40-foot ocean racer is as far as you can get from sitting in a hotel ballroom for eight hours suffering from PowerPoint overload,” said Ulmer, adding, “SUNY Maritime is conveniently located for everyone in the New York City Metropolitan area. There is no need to book a hotel room to attend this seminar.”
“This certification meets a requirement for the Bermuda Race,” said Ulmer. “It is common sense for those who only venture as far as into the Sound or across the bay. The more of your crewmembers who take the course, the better your chances are of surviving a problem afloat.” To get on a list to get more information visit: http://stormtrysailfoundation.org/.
Successful completion qualifies for an Offshore ISAF SAS certification.