ECSA Handicapper Council Actions 2007


(No meeting)


(No meeting)


1) Reviewed all ECSA division winners, and agreed to a full review of the ratings for the Melges 32-2 ODR, and Sirprize, a modified Sirena 38. Also agreed to a full review of the rating for Gnat, a custom 23.
2) Agreed to skip the November and December meetings.


1) Established a policy of always penalizing excess sail area.
2) Agreed not to add sail measurement tolerances to 2008 Regulations.
3) Agreed to add “E” dimension penalties to 2008 Regulations.
4) Next meeting to be at North Cove YC, 10/30/07.


(No meeting.)


(No meeting.)


(No meeting.)


1) Affirmed the Pearson Flyer rating at 138/152, after hearing an appeal.
2) Established a new procedural policy for appeals. Hearings, discussion, and votes will all be in the presence of appellants/appellees, but votes will be cast anonymously, on paper ballots.
3) Next meeting to take place 6/26 at North Cove YC.
(No meeting.)


1) Moved the Pearson 30 rating from 180/202, to 177/199.
2) Established a policy of penalizing excess mainsail foot (E) at the rate of 1 second per each additional 5%, or fraction thereof.
3) Moved the base rating for the San Juan 30 from 168/191, to 171/194.
4) Established a base rating for the San Juan 30 TM at 168/191.
5) Next meeting to take place 4/24 at North Cove YC.


1) Moved the Quest 33 from 84/100, to 87/103.
2) Removed the ODR designation from the Morris 36DS, and re-established the base rating at 111/130. Credits and penalties will now be assigned, based on sails and configuration reported.
3) Decided to invite Rodney Johnstone’s comments prior to establishing a base rating for the J/124 under the 2007 regulations.
4) Assigned an initial handicap of 150 to the custom International 110, Got Wood.
5) Next meeting to be 3/27/07 at North Cove YC, if available, otherwise at Branford YC. Agenda to include discussion of Pearson 30, and Golden Rule.


1) Agreed to hear an appeal relative to the Morris 36DS.
2) Reviewed all ECSA division winners and agreed to review the rating of the Pearson 30. Also agreed to continue to observe the performance of the Finngulf 41 and Gnat.
3) Agreed to clarify Golden Rule’s mainsail dimensions prior to any further review.
4) Elected 19 handicappers and Chief Handicapper for 2007 season. (See elsewhere on website for a current roster.)
5) Next meeting will be on 2/27/07 at Essex YC.


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