ECSA Handicapper Council Actions 2008
(No meeting)
1) Adopted revised wording for ODR Requirements for the 2009 regulations.
2) Reviewed the top, three boats in each ECSA division for the 2008 season, and decided to do in-depth reviews of the following boats: Melges 32-2, Noe 27 (En Charette), Nonsuch 30, Morgan 24, Tripp 36.
3) Decided to cancel the December meeting.
(No meeting)
1) Moved rating for Nunnehi from 105/129, to 99/129 due to modificaton to a sprit/asym spinnaker configuration.
2) Voted to define the sailing requirements imposed by a One-Design rating, and to include them in the regulations. LFS to draft verbiage for next meeting.
3) Voted to give a 3 sec/mile credit for above-deck roller furling next season. Credit will only apply to non-spinnaker ratings.
4) Voted not to impose weight limits or issue cruising credits.
(No meeting)
(No meeting)
(No meeting)
(No meeting)
(No meeting)
1) Moved Sirprize (modified Sirena 38) from 88/106, to 87/105.
2) Moved Got Wood (highly modified International 110) from 150/165, to 180/195.
3) Voted not to penalize Free Sprit (Benteau 38s5) head removal.
4) Next meeting to take place at North Cove YC.
1) Moved Gnat (Custom 23) from 173/198, as sailed, to 168/186, as sailed,(masthead spin, penalty pole) with new (2008) rudder, and modified keel. Also agreed to allow addition of sprit, not to exceed pole length, without additional penalty.
2) Moved Melges 32-2 from 27/43, to 24/40.
3) Re-elected 15 handicappers for 2008, including chief and assistant chief. (See elsewhere on website for a current roster.)
4) Sirpirze (modified Sirena 38) rating review and Got Wood (modified International 110) appeal to be heard in March.
5) March meeting location to be announced.
(No meeting)