ECSA Handicapper Council Actions 2012
Actions of PHRF of Eastern Connecticut Handicappers Council
Council Actions 2012
10 December Notes to Sailors
1) As previously posted, the ECSA Handicap Council will review the PHRF Handicap for following boats this winter.
i) J-111, Leadership 44, Melges 24, Frers 33, C&C 35, O’Day 34, and Morris 36. .
2) The following boats will be reviewed at our meeting on 22 January at Branford YC. Affected owners have been so notified. Any and all interested parties should attend.
i) Melges 24 at 1900 hrs
ii) O’Day 34 at 1930 hrs
iii) Frers 33 at 2000 hrs.
3) The remaining boats will be reviewed at our February or March meeting. Time and location TBA.
4) Date for next Council meeting will be 22 January at Branford YC.
13 November (reschedule of 30 October Meeting)
1) Reviewed past month’s website activities and discussed changes for 2013. Expect changes will be minimal.
2) Approved yearbook language concerning TPS/J handicap adjustment for centerline tacked asymmetric spinnakers. 2013 Regulations will disallow the flying of a standard spinnaker if the boat has a TPS/J adjustment for an ASYM.
3) Discussed and reviewed all ECSA season results and discussed boats that should have their handicap reviewed. It was decided that the following boats will have their handicaps reviewed this winter.
i) J-111, Leadership 44, Melges 24, Frers 33, C&C 35, O’Day 34, and Morris 36. Affected owners will be so notified.
4) Discussed other potential rule changes for 2013. We concluded that there was some clarification needed in some wording, but no other changes, except item #2 above, are anticipated.
5) Discussed methodology for determining boat classification between “C”, “HP”, and “SB”. Some research and analysis is needed here. This will be worhed on over the winter months.
6) Discussed Block Island Race Week, 23-28 June 2013. We will provide support as needed.
7) Date for next meeting will be 22 January at Branford YC.
25 September
1) Reviewed monthly website activity. Processed 277 PHRF Certificates to date. System seems on track.
2) Discussed TPS/J handicap adjustment for centerline tacked asymmetric spinnakers. Agreed to close loophole by disallowing the flying of a standard spinnaker while receiving an TPS/J adjustment for an asym. 2013 ECSA regulations will be so modified.
3) Reviewed process of handicapping oversized asym sails and relationship of measured TPS. Currently no changes planned for 2013 ECSA regulations. We may try to clarify some language.
4) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the ELAN 31-S at 168/189.
5) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the CAL 39-2/3 SD at 120/142.
6) As per previous practice, Council will review season ECSA division winners this fall and winter. In addition, we agreed to review current base boat handicaps for: J-111, LEADERSHIP 44, and Melges 24, based on 2012 season performance. Others may be selected for review at Council discretion.
7) Requested Council members review ECSA 2012 Regulations for possible revision for 2013.
8) Date for next meeting will be 30 October. Location TBD.)
28 August
1) Based on appeal, changed BAGATELLE PHRF Handicap to 81/96.
2) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the J 70 ODR at 120/147.
3) Voted to revise PHRF Handicap for the PEARSON 40 to 120/142.
4) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the FRERS 41 TM (Carroll) at 69/90.
5) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the SAGA 43 SD at 84/105.
6) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the BENETEAU Oceanis 321 RFM at 171/191.
7) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the TYLER 29 at 252/272.
8) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the HUNTER 45 at 72/93.
9) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the O’DAY 32-2 at 168/188.
10) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the J-105 SD ODR at 99/117.
11) Postponed discussion of TPS/S adjustment for W/L vs. Point-to–Point courses.
12) Postponed discussion of Asym Handicap rules.
13) It was noted that some of the automated e-mail notifications do not seem to be occurring.
14) ) Date for next meeting will be 25 September. Location TBA.)
29 May
1) BAGATELLE handicap appeal; no action taken, PHRF Handicap remains at 75/90.
2) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the VX-ONE at 99/121.
3) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the SEAFARER 31-1 Yawl at 234/251
4) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the GP 26 at 69/88.
5) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the BALTIC 38 DP-CB at 102/124.
6) Voted to establish PHRF Handicap for the S2 7.9 FK at 162/181.
7) Noted that web site application process seems to be functioning as planned. 215 Applications processed to date with 40% being Auto-Generated.
8) Next meeting at 1900 on 26 June should there be sufficient business. Location to be announced.
24 April
1) Voted to revise PHRF handicap for the Melges 24 ODR to 90/103. Subject to review in Fall 2012.
2) Voted to establish PHRF handicap for the S2 10.3 at 120/141.
3) Next meeting at ECYC at 1900 on 29 May to hear appeal of handicap for BAGATELLE.
27 March
1) Voted to revise PHRF handicap for the CARRERA 280 ODR to 90/108.
2) Voted to retain PHRF handicap for the ANTRUM 27 CF ODR at 87/101.
3) Voted to retain PHRF handicap for the ANDREWS 28 at 93/110.
4) Reviewed particulars of J-100 GOOD GIRL modifications. PHRF handicap will remain unchanged from previous base boat HC.
5) Should there be sufficient business; the next meeting will be held at ECYC at 1900 on 24 April.
28 February 2012
1) Reviewed particulars of custom build GP 26.
2) Voted to revise PHRF handicap for J-80 to 117/135.
3) Voted to revise PHRF handicap for Melges 24 ODR to 84/97.
4) Voted to revise PHRF handicap for Viper 640 OD to 105/121.
5) Elected ECSA PHRF handicappers, Chief Handicapper, and Assistant Chief Handicapper for 2012.
6) Reported on submittal of 2011 activity to US Sailing.
7) Reviewed ECSA PHRF Regulations for 2012 and reported on status of web changes. Still not active, but close.
8) Discussed variants of USCG Leadership 44. Standard boat will be renamed Leadership 44 Offshore rated at 33/50. Established the Leadership 44 OD at 48/65 reflecting smaller jib and spinnaker.
9) Next meeting will be held at Branford YC at 1900 on 27 March. Agenda to include reviews of PHRF handicap for CARRERA 280, ANDREWS 28, and ANTRUM 27.